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  • Sunday 11 February 2018

    How to Fix Chrome Scam Warning on PC

    How to Fix Chrome Scam Warning on PC

    If there is a chrome scam problem in the browser chrome like the picture above, it happens because you press or click accidentally or accidentally pop up ads, where the chrome browser is not in a condition log in your account permanently. And if it appears scam chrome, then the scammer automatically locks all chrome features and you are required to meet the wishes of a scammer. The solution to solve such problems is, as follows.

    If there has been a scam chrome warning, things to do are as follows;

    1. Shutdown by force by tapping off on your pc or laptop.

    2. Restart your PC or laptop, when booting to switch to safe mode.

    3. Uninstall Chrome software

    4. Unhide Files Program

    5. Open user

    6. Open App / Applications

    7. Open temp files, and delete all data there

    8. Then open the Program Files.

    9. Open sytem 32, search for "Prefetch".

    10. Delete all files on "Prefetch".

    11. Done

    12. If you want to reinstall Chrome, remove the previous Chrome software and download the latest version of Chrome, see Chrome version before downloaded.

    13. Once Chrome software is installed, log in using your email account.

    The Google officials or support google has provided a solution to this problem, and we have read it. The conclusion is that the solution provided by Google is not complete. Because if you just follow the instructions from the guide from Google, something similar will happen again, the advent of pop um scammer ads. This means that the solution provided by Google is temporary.

    To avoid this sort of thing happening, then all you have to do is as follows

    1. Open Chrome

    2. Always log in with your account permanently.

      Control not only on ssl only, but clear ownership of pc or laptop that can be clearly recognized by google. And this will be a problem if the pc or laptop ownership of the company, in this case sanfat depends on the policy of the company manager.

    3. After log in, open Settings Chrome

    4. After the settings page opens, scroll down to Advanced Search and click Advanced.

    5. Then click Reset

    6. Finished.

    If you're still hesitant, do not re-install Chrome software on your pc or laptop, until it's true Google has updated Chrome Apps for pc.

    Thus a brief, sharp and enlightening explanation of Aha Sarang Komputer about the chrome scam warning. Continue to visit Aha Sarang Komputer and subscribe youtube Aha Sarang Komputer.

    Maybe useful.

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