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  • Monday 12 February 2018

    How To Know Scammer on WhatsApp

    How To Know Scammer on WhatsApp

    Read a news story from a news media, that there is a fraud case that occurred in WhatsApp, with a tendentious title as if to scare WhatsApp users. The news about this scam is made or splashy because fraudsters use fake adidas domain names, maybe it's also big news, its victims are big people.

    Keep in mind, human nature is greedy, both the poor and the rich, the religion that crippled the nature. Fraudsters take advantage of this weakness, without the need to hypnotize, to benefit from the victim. And the fraud through WhatsApp has long been happening, began to bloom in 2015 until today. The spread of fraudulent messages is massive, through groups to the WhatsApp group. The mode that people do, ranging from job offerings, bonuses, contests, to the news of grief with a very perfect.

    Perfectly said, because they create fake domains that are almost like the original domain, they also make the same logo with the original logo. Not only that, they, the fraudsters, accompanied the location and another one of the most important for the fraudsters, the means to ensnare him, namely the contact number to be contacted. That's why not a few are victims. In 2015, seeing the number of victims, especially job seekers, we open hotlines, for those who know the advertiser of the vacancy is genuine or fake.

    Cyber ​​crime is rife, you can find anywhere in all digital communication tools, including google +, they use fake names and fake photo profiles. They are intent on moving every minute wooing potential victims. Seeing reality like this does not mean to be afraid. Especially with the information that tendesius fraud via WhatsApp, as if to invite people not to use WhatsApp. We say, once again in all social media there are unscrupulous people who crawl looking for prey.

    The first mode of fraud through mobile digital communications tools, namely in 2003, via SMS messages. And this sms message scam, adopted by a new fraudster, continues to roll to this day. Then via the eMail message, which was rife in 2007. Sticking to the surface after many of its victims from USA people by nigeria people. And fraud through email messages until today, the swindlers were still guerrilla.

    And here Aha Sarang Komputer, share tips on how to not get caught by various scams in all digital communication tools, and the way as follows;

    1. Not easily tempted

    2. For fraudulent via email, click reply then you see the subject of the sender, that email is actually a cheat.

    3. To find out the real or fake domain.

      1. Contact the information center in your country about the profile of an original company.

      2. Know the owner of a fraudulent domain, how you read the guide here Cara Mengetahui Pemilik Asli Domain.

      3. Know fraudsters using social media profiles, how you can read here Cara Mengetahui Account Facebook Asli Atau Palsu, in general in social media is the same to know the real fraud.

      4. To find out the original location of a fraudster, use this VPN Tools. This will be discussed later in details.

    Fraudsters move not alone, they are organized and in their approach using marketing theory. So very good at trapping prey. But by knowing the various guise that they make, it will not make us afraid or not easily entangled tricks.

    Similarly tips on how to know scammers in social media. And to be wary of, that the mode of deception by using digital communication tools is very easy and effective, because it is very easy to manipulate the script code. Hoax with Scam is not the same even though both are equated to code manipulation, only distinguished in the motivation of the perpetrator.

    May be useful.

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