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  • Tuesday 13 February 2018

    Tips To Fix Low Signal On Smartphones

    Tips To Fix Low Signal On Smartphones

    Low signals on smartphones, not only can happen on old smartphones, new smartphones can happen similar things, no matter whether it is based LTE / 4G network or not. Weak catch of signals on smartphones mostly due to the external fakor or antenna network tower. And a small part on the smartphone.

    The signal contact between the antenna network of the tower and the smartphone antenna, such as the tower of two companions of each other at a distance, one called his friend, the other saw and then answered. If the two see each other and catch a sound, it means that the communication signal hook up smoothly. So even on a network of antenna towers with antennas on a smartphone, it will be the same. Between antennas on a smartphone with a tower antenna is a communicating interface on a smartphone.

    Many assume, that the general problem of weak signals on smartphones, in general it is caused by a smartphone outside the range of the tower antenna signal. Though not always that way, the cause is like that, if facts happen, signals received sometimes connected, sometimes also disconnected. But it is not wrong also if it is concluded because by the distance of the antenna range of the tower with the smartphone antenna, it is the most practical and simple answers.

    If the problems that occur as above, the problems that occur, sometimes communication is connected, sometimes disconnected, then it's good we do checks on smartphones, because this could be the cause is on the smartphone. Because of what happens when checking, it appears on the smartphone screen, the antenna row is pretty good, but every communication contact, it always sounds discontinuous.

    The above events usually occur when we are in an area that has a strong signal, then when communicating to move into the area of ​​the signal is weak. In such conditions we do not do anything on our smartphones, unless we just keep walking while communicating for a strong signal to communicate perfectly.

    Though there are things we can do if experiencing problems like that, namely in start by checking on the smartphone, that is by resetting the smartphone antenna, by way of calibrating the power of the antenna range of the smartphone to the distance of the antenna tower. This is what has never been done.

    Here AHA Sarang KOMPUTER share tips if we experience weak signals. Please note, smartphone antenna signals use AM and FM radio waves, with dB (decible / decibel) units. Wave threshold between -50 dB to -120db. At wave -50dB signal signals are strong, while at -120 db signal is gone.

    To find out if this is an antenna wave problem between tower antennas and smartphone antennas, we can test our smartphones. Here we give two examples of testing (signal identification test vanished), via iOS smartphone, one more android smartphone.

    How to Conduct Low Signal Tests

    • IPHONE

      Do it as in the example image below;

      Well, now You will be taken into the two picture view below, then click right, there You will see how many decibels the signal strength of the antenna.


      Do it as in the 3 images below;

    Once the results of the testing is known, then we do the treatment properly on the smartphone. This diagnosis is important so that no wrong treatment, on the contrary to be on target. If the signal is strong but low battery this can be sure will occur interference on the simcard you use.

    If the antenna signal is strong, the battery is good, the antenna network is good, this kind of thing usually happens because the smartphone provider is doing the network repair or there is electricity outage.

    In the second case, the low signal is obtained because it just moves from the strong signal location to the weak signal in other words the distance problem with the antenna tower signal. Then the effective treatment that must be done, the stages of work are as follows;

    1. Clear all cache
    2. Move on airp
    3. Turn off the smartphone
    4. Charge the battery fully to the off position
    5. After the battery is full, turn on the smartphone.
    6. Turn off airplane mode
    7. Turn on mobile data, after visible sign of 3G / LTE restart smartphone.
    8. Now Your smartphone is back in stable signal.

    Similarly brief tips fix the low signal problem. May be useful.

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