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  • Monday 19 February 2018

    Tips on WhatsApp delete for Everyone to be effective

    Tips on WhatsApp delete for Everyone to be effective

    In the latest version of WhatsApp released the version, it has added some new features and emojis icons, one of them is the feature "delete for everyone". This feature is very accommodating to the needs of WhatsApp users. In the video tutorial above is a video about the display of the "delete for everyone" feature, which is a feature to delete / retract / remove / cancel chat messages that have already been sent.

    For WhatsApp users, especially in conversations in the very massive WhatsApp group of active traffic messages, it is often a matter of sending the wrong message. In the previous version WhatsApp, where the message was sent and misdirected can not be removed / withdrawn.

    In the old WhatsApp, to solve the problem, all you can do is delete the message just for us and the message still exists and can be read by other members of the WhatsApp group. This is inevitable, in the previous version WhatsApp, this problems like always appear as a common mistake that often happens to WhasApp users, that is sending a chat messages.

    Well! in the latest version of WhatsApp now, the wrong occurrence of this message can be overcome, by using the feature "delete for everyone", this feature becomes a solution that can minimize the emergence of messages miscast. But in the use of the "delete for everyone" feature, the messages to be deleted will not be effective by two things, namely;

    1. Delete messages passed from a 7 minute interval.

    2. Someone has responded / replied to the message.

    WhatsApp set a 7-minute grace period for the effectiveness of the "delete for everyone" feature, assuming that the amount of time is enough for the sender to notice that he has miscasted and then take action to immediately delete the message.

    But not infrequently in some cases, many found WhatsApp grups are almost always online users every time, so this becomes a problem, when the occurrence of the wrong message send, then quickly responded by other group members. Making the "delete for everyone" feature no longer effective.

    To solve this problem, some actions that can be done, namely as follows;

    1. Turn off internet pulse data, each will open all WhatsApp conversations.

      All traffic chat conversations, image and video senders are arranged by WhatsApp in the auto settings, in which case we can set into the manual settings, for manual image and video settings can be read here.

      While the function of turning off the data pulse internet, so all in the offline when read all the chat messages in WhatsApp.

    2. Always get accustomed not to quickly respond or reply to every message received.

    3. When traffic traffic in WhatsApp group is traffic, while at the same time, we just get a personal message that is important personal should be replied to, then the action should be done, send an offline reply message.

      After click send and already sure the chat sent no one send, just restart the data pulse internet.

    4. If you feel that by turning off the data pulse is an ineffective way, then you can use the "Archive" feature, sap dapak archive WhatsApp group. The trick as follows;

      1. Open WhatsApp

      2. Long press tap the WhatsApp group to save to the message archive

      3. When some features appear on the WhatsApp page, select the white box with the down arrow icon and click it.

      4. done

    To add the "delete for everyone" feature, by updating WhatsApp to the latest version, how to open the Play Store, find WhatsApp, or with this Click >>Play Store.

    Thus the latest WhatsApp app is effectively using the "delete for everyone" feature.

    May be useful.

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