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  • Wednesday 31 January 2018

    Tips to Install Anti Virus on Laptop

    Tips on How to Install Anti Virus on Laptop

    Everyone thinks, that his laptop will be safe by pairing Anti Virus even in the windows itself already have antivirus. They consider installing anti-virus is important to do as a protector of malware attacks. That is, that anti-virus is already like the front guard, shield, like a guard that guard the gate.

    But anti-virus loyalty is more patent than a security guard, it is because the response / command runs automatically, until the thing is not realized is a new program or software that will be paired that is not a virus too, will be regarded as a virus, and then anti the virus automatically execute the program, the software installer, the program with extension EXE (* .EXE).

    Moreover now many people want to increase the capacity of RAM and Harddisk it, because this is in line with the presence of various features that require considerable RAM space. And digital camera technology continues to grow with large image resolution automatic large hard disk space, also large RAM, because to load it needed high speed, so no need to wait long and keep the device so as not to heat quickly.

    When we already have a laptop with a large specification, of course, this gives a special satisfaction for us, because it can be fun surfing kecang, but on the contrary when it comes to a problem, radiant face can seem to tangle a day up all night long just to try to repair damage small by using anti virus.

    Just imagine, with a large hard drive capacity, it takes how long to scan a file, especially until the capacity until TERABYTE?

    Not infrequently, because it was so afraid of virus / malware attacks, all ads offer about anti-virus by offering the ability to protect a laptop or pc, received and then installed to a laptop or pc. At the end of the laptop becomes full of anti-virus software that is not important, where the existence of anti-virus it will even make the ability of a laptop with a large capacity will be the same as a small capacity laptop, to be slow responding, even can happen hangs. This is a comfortable failing situation due to anti virus.

    Then how should install anti-virus?

    1. All of Anti virus software products are good for laptops, but it would be great if only one anti virus.

      And should also, anti-virus software is not always on active, except when installed new devices, such as USB Flashdisk and connected to the internet.

    2. Turn off windows program updates, how to open windows explorer right click my computer on windows XP, computer on windows 7, 8 and 10, click properties. Can also through click panel, because the computer system adheres to the principle of "many roads to roma" hehe ...

      And do update Windows when the laptop is not in use.

      To disable the Windows update, You can do it, select "automatic update" on XP and windows 7/8/10, click "windows update" and click change settings select "never check for updates (not recommended)", click "ok". while for XP after select "automatic updates" check "turn off automatic updates.

    3. Disable anti-virus updates, do not update anti-virus. Updates can be done once a year. Also disable anti virus when connected internet. Because if enabled Anti-Virus update, when connected internet, then automatically Anti virus software will ask for updates. If this is notified for updates, click ignore only.

      Disable Anti virus when entering / installing new programs or software that will be installed on laptop or pc. Even for those who will install microsoft office 2010, corel and programs - programs with a large EXE, first uninstall anti-virus installed. once installed, the anti virus can be re-intall. Get used to uninstall, done in "safe mode".

    4. And the best option is actually not to pair the anti virus on the laptop, but this is not recommended for those who have not really mastered the problem in software and hardware. Anti virus just kept it in flashdisk, if new problem appears paired.

    5. The problem of malware or virus can be overcome without using Anti virus software, but this also never try to do it, if not yet understand the working principle of program file in every software. Moreover, in doing this execution based on information obtained from the results of browsing articles that contents sebagiab large copy paste.

      And not least what they write is mostly the result of accidental work not based on the basic principle, which is unknowingly writing it, he is forwarding others who are selling the program without knowing the working principle. If you follow the instructions from there, wrong - wrong, will actually make RAM quickly damaged.

      If you want to know how to overcome various problems surrounding the safest software, just ask the same bill gates, more easily digested the answer. However, by using anti-virus when the computer is infected with the virus is very helpful to facilitate the work, can be effective and efficient, because not much time is wasted.

    6. Finally, do not often re-install Windows, if possible, install Windows is enough once, if you want to chip on harddisk durable. just enough recovery if it finds a problem that is difficult to overcome again, check on start up ms config, before doing recovery.

      But often done reduce the existing programs on start up, with the aim that at the start up windows screen open fast (windows start up load faster). Actually for the long term (does not take too long) it can also quickly damage the system. For his explanation of this later on other writings.

    May be useful.

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