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  • Saturday 20 January 2018

    WhatsApp Business Released In 2018 Year

    WhatsApp Business Released In 2018 Year

    In the past two years, WhatsApp has become its king of chats. WhatsApp CEO Matt Idema said that now, WhatsApp users have reached 1 billion more. This amount is a remarkable achievement of a messaging of social media.

    After seeing the rapid growth, then this makes Matt Idema released a new application in response to the response of its users, namely to build a messaging application for entrepreneurs, especially those engaged in eNiaga, eCommerse etc. Along with the rapid growth in the field of online business orientation in the past year.

    The application is WhatsApp Business with letter logo B capital. Inside this app has added some features in it that are not in the previous WhatsApp app, including adding ads and monetization.

    And now the WhatsApp Business application has been completed in testing. The testing process is done by the WhatsApp party not simultaneously, but arranged in a way plotted continuously. This possibility involves facilitating the introduction of more detailed and directed issues in each country.

    For Indonesia, Whatsapp Business has been accessible on the Play Store since a month ago, to be exact, at the end of November 2017. At the start of WhatsApp Busines launches testing in beta app version. In testing this application is done by parties WhatsApp closed for several months earlier in certain countries. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate as part of the testing team. And WhatsApp party determines whether or not selected as part of the testing team.

    Those selected will be given a green flag with a check mark on the contact name in WhatsApp. Then can download the application in the play store. In this testing phase, WhatsApp works with Google to organize the app in the play store, so the WhatsApp app is not visible in the play store for non-testers and / or there is but can not be accessed on the playstore.

    In the testing process of WhatsApp Business app, for those who are given the opportunity to do the testing, also the WhatsApp party gives freedom to quit whenever they want from the application program test team WhatsApp Business . This test is not binding. And As the testing stages are over, WhatsApp is confident about WhatsApp Business is rolling out in all countries.

    From this little bit of information from WhatsApp, of course it makes us all curious, like what WhatsApp Business later. Well, to just remove the curiosity, please just see how to install and do WhatsApp Business setting in the above video.

    For those who can not wait to try it out, can install it now on your smartphone's Play Store, here. At the time of use, when you use WhatsApp Business, what's Active is WhatsApp Business, whereas WhatsApp is usually off. Conversely, when the regular WhatsApp is active, then WhatsApp Business becomes non-active.

    Hope useful.

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